Enter stage left
Enter stage left's JournalAddiction is a horrible thing to endure. I was once addicted to Tide Pods...
But I'm clean now.
Trivia for today...
Look at the words "Sweden" & "Denmark".
We're you aware that if you take the first 3 letters of each word and put them together, it spells "Sweden".
When you take the remaining letters of each word and put them together, it spells "Denmark".
Cool, huh?
Question for the administrators...
If you are put on "total ignore", are you notified?
Black Manx, white markings on belly. No tail.
Six years old, red collar with tags.
Overweight. Mews all day/night demanding attention.
Won't stay off counter tops.
Eats directly from unattended plates.
Knocks glasses/bottles/vases onto floor.
Various expensive ailments.
Doesn't do tricks or anything of interest.
Will give this cat to whoever returns my car keys, lost here last Friday.
I just figured out what "Trump 47" really stands for...
Trump 47;Trumps waistline after not having any "Big Macs" for 3 weeks,
Trumps IQ, on a good day,
The number of lies Trump can tell in ONE HOUR that his brain-dead followers will believe are the absolute truth.
Drive TFG nuts, start referring to Elon as "President Musk"!
Do it in every post, even the cartoons and lounge posts.
Musk has FAR more power and influence, and is much richer, thinner and better looking than TFG could ever hope to be or have.
It's time to rename it "United Share-Holders Care.
They don't care at all about your health!
I am not advocating for violence, but Jean-Jacques Rousseau was said to be the person quoted...
When he said "Eat the Rich".
Could it be starting with CEO's of healthcare companies?
Mr Trump, you have repeatedly said you have the best words and have the highest IQ...
We'll give you the chance right now to prove that remark, so we will ask you this one question without exposing the spellings.
Mr Trump, there are 3 different spellings of one of the one of the most common words in the English language.
Those words are (verbally only) NOT Visibly, are "there, their, & they're"
Mr Trump, seeing how you have claimed to have a high IQ and the best words, would you please explain the difference in those words, explain them so that a 7th grade English class could understand this and put those 3 words in a sentence?
Breaking news...a single engine Cessna has crashed into a cemetery...
So far the authorities have recovered 237 bodies, updates at 11:00.
Profile Information
Name: Ray MGender: Male
Hometown: Full time rv'er. All over the map of the U.S. & Canada
Home country: U.S.
Current location: Don't know where we'll be tomorrow, not even sure where we are today.
Member since: Thu Aug 13, 2020, 07:47 PM
Number of posts: 3,874